The Gas outrigger Pages

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This home page is all about a radio controlled outrigger There has been some changes, the rigger is sold and has been upgraded with a faster engine and some mods have been made.

Click the Pics For the movies of the first runs

As Jerome sold the outrigger to me the page has also been taken over by me
I will update and rebuild it in the coming weeks
For the time beeing have fun with it.

Powerpete (the one and only)

hi there , i am Jerome , this page is a result of building radio controlled race boats, i started with a deep vee "apache" this boat is doing good and i am still fine tuning this boat ..
meanwhile i started this new project .. i saw some pics and video,s from a so called outrigger ore road runner .. this "hull" is a very speedy looking thing with has not much to do with real boats.. its supposed to be the fastest thing on water ...
so this is what i did ,, i saved a lot of pictures and video .s on my hard drive and start drawing ..
i mailed a guy named frank ,Bonnano , who is an american who built his own riggers... so to say a pro..
he helped me out with the drawings and how to set this outrigger up ..
so i start builing ..

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Photo courtesy of oscar becker, oscars powerboats and sportsbikes my rigger
i start building the frame first .. just to see how it looks and to have an idea how to built the rest and to find out where to place the engine and electronics... with help of frank , i knew where to place the booms , the booms are the tubes , this tubes connect the frame with the sponsons.. the small fuses are called sponsons....
after i pinpointed the location of the booms , i made some engine mounts for the engine ..
this engine is a Marine ,watercooled Zenoah , 23cc gasoline engine ..(now a G230RC aircooled is fitted)
after i built the mounts i placed the engine just behind the second boom ..
the first impression was there.

Go to Powerpetes pages for more

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